Oscillator-bank channel vocoder.

in RTcmix/insts/jg

quick syntax:

VOCODESYNTH(outsk, insk, dur, AMP, nfilts, CFREQLO/FTABLETRANSP, CFREQMULT/FTABLEFORMAT, transp, filtbw, windowsize, smoothness, threshold, attack}, release, hisigmix, hifreq, inputchan, PAN, WAVETABLE[, SCALINGTABLE, CFREQTABLE])

CAPITALIZED parameters are pfield-enabled for table or dynamic control (see the maketable or makeconnection scorefile commands). Parameters after the [bracket] are optional and default to 0 unless otherwise noted.

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 input start time seconds no no  
p2 duration seconds no no  
p3 amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of output signal yes no  
p4 number of filters - no no  
p5 if p4 > 0, lowest filter center frequency Hz/oct.pc no no  
  if p4 == 0, transposition of function table* oct.pc yes no * reference to pfield table-handle
p6 if p4 > 0, center frequency spacing multiplier >1 yes no  
  if p4 == 0, function table format* 0: octave.pc, 1: linear octave; Hz if > 15.0 yes no * reference to pfield table-handle
p7 amount to transpose carrier oscillators Hz/oct.pc no no  
p8 filter bandwidth proportion of center frequency > 0 no no  
p9 power gauge window length seconds, try 0.01 no no  
p10 smoothness – how much to smooth the power gauge output 0-1, try 0.5 no no  
p11 threshold – below which no synthesis for a band occurs 0-1, try 0.0 no no  
p12 attack time – how long it takes the oscillator for a band to turn on fully once the modulator power for that band rises above the threshold seconds, try 0.001 no no  
p13 release time – how long it takes the oscillator for a band to turn off fully once the modulator power for that band falls below the threshold seconds, try 0.01 no no  
p14 amount of high-passed modulator signal to mix with output amplitude multiplier, try 0.0 no no  
p15 cutoff frequency for high pass filter applied to modulator Hz, try 5000 no no This pfield ignored if p10 is zero.
p16 input channel - no no  
p17 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle yes no  
p18 wavetable to use reference to pfield table-handle yes no  
p19 table giving the carrier scaling curve reference to pfield table-handle (as [freq, amp] pairs) yes no  
p20 table giving list of center frequencies reference to pfield table-handle yes no if p4 is zero

Parameters labled as Dynamic can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.

Author: John Gibson, 8/7/03.

VOCODESYNTH performs a filter-bank analysis of the input channel (the modulator), and uses the time-varying energy measured in the filter bands to trigger wavetable notes with corresponding frequencies (the carrier).

Usage Notes

This is a bit different from the other VOCODE-family instruments like VOCODE2 and VOCODE3 in that it does a resynthesis of the signal. This instrument is similar in some respects to PVOC, but it is a channel vocoder using a bank of band-pass filters instead of an FFT analysis (like with phase vocoders).

If parameter p4 (“nfilts”) is > 0, then p5 (“CFREQLO/FTABLETRANSP”) is interpreted as the lowest center frequency of the filters. This can be specified in Hz or oct.pc, < 15.0 is the point at which it will be interepreted as oct.pc. p6 (“CFREQMULT/FILTMULT”) will be interpreted as a multiplier of p5 – it will space the center frequencies of all the filters (up to “nftilts”, p4) as a multiple of each succesive center frequency. For example, p6 = 2.0 will make a stack of octaves; p6 = 1.5 will make a stack of perfect (Pythagorian) fifths. To get stacks of an equal tempered interval (in oct.pc), you can use the cpspch convertor:

However, if p4 == 0, then p20 (“CFREQTABLE”) has to be present. It is interpreted as a reference to a table containing the oct.pc center frequencies of all the filters used. Parametet p6 (“CFREQMULT/FTABLEFORMAT”) then serves as a flag for how the table referenced in p20 will be interpreted. If p6 == 0, then the table will be interpreted as containing oct.pc pitch values. If p6 == 1, then the table will be interpreted as linear octave values. NOTE: This only applies if the values in the table ar < 15.0; otherwise they will be interpreted as direct frequency values regardless of the setting of p6. The number of filter bands is determined by length of function table.

An example of this second method for center frequency specification:

Parameter p9 (“windowsize”) determines how often changes in modulator power are measured. p10 (“smoothness”) operates upon the output of p9. It has more of an effect for longer p9 values.

Parameters p14 (“hisigmix”) and p15 (“hifreq”) allow some of the original signal to appear in the output. This is helpful in capturing sharp noise transients (such as consonants in speech) that aren’t captured well by standard FFT analysis. p15 is ignored if p10 is set to 0.

p18 (“WAVETABLE”) is a reference to a waveform table that will be used by the internal wavetable oscillators.

p19 (“SCALINGTABLE”) is a table used for scaling the carrier notes, interpreted as [frequency, amplitude] pairs.

VOCODESYNTH produces both stereo or mono output.

Sample Scores

one example:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)


   inskip = 0.0
   dur = DUR()

   amp = 4.0
   env = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, .1,1, dur-.1,1, dur,0)

   numbands = 25
   lowcf = 300
   interval = 0.025
   cartransp = 0.00
   bw = 0.009
   winlen = 0.001
   smooth = 0.98
   thresh = 0.0001
   atktime = 0.001
   reltime = 0.01
   hipassmod = 0.0
   hipasscf = 2000

   carwavetable = maketable("wave", 10, 20000, "sine")

   scale1 = 0.5
   scale2 = 1.0
   scalecurve = maketable("curve", "nonorm", 100, 0,scale1,1, 1,scale2)

   spacemult = cpspch(interval) / cpspch(0.0)

   VOCODESYNTH(0, inskip, dur, amp * env, numbands, lowcf, spacemult, cartransp,
      bw, winlen, smooth, thresh, atktime, reltime, hipassmod, hipasscf,
      inchan=0, pan=1, carwavetable, scalecurve)

   cartransp += 0.001
   spacemult += 0.002
   VOCODESYNTH(0, inskip, dur, amp * env, numbands, lowcf, spacemult, cartransp,
      bw, winlen, smooth, thresh, atktime, reltime, hipassmod, hipasscf,
      inchan=0, pan=0, carwavetable, scalecurve)

See Also