FFT-based delay processing.

in RTcmix/insts/jg/SPECTACLE2

quick syntax:


CAPITALIZED parameters are pfield-enabled for table or dynamic control (see the maketable or makeconnection scorefile commands). Parameters after the [bracket] are optional and default to 0 unless otherwise noted.

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 input start time seconds no no  
p2 input duration seconds no no  
p3 output amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of input signal yes no  
p4 input amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of input signal yes no  
p5 ring-down duration seconds no no  
p6 FFT length samples, power of 2 no no usually 1024
p7 window length samples, power of 2 no no usually FFT length * 2
p8 window table reference to pfield-table handle yes no zero for internally generated Hamming window
p9 overlap (FFT window overlap) positive power of 2 no no 1: no overlap, 2: hopsize=FFTlen/2, 4: hopsize=FFTlen/4, etc. 2 or 4 is usually fine; 1 is fluttery; higher overlaps use more CPU
p10 EQ table (i.e., amplitude scaling of each band) dB yes no in dB (0 dB means no change, + dB boost, - dB cut)
p11 delay time table seconds yes no  
p12 delay feedback table multiplier, 0-1 yes no  
p13 minimum EQ frequency Hz yes yes default: 0
p14 maximum EQ frequency Hz yes yes default: Nyquist
p15 minimum delay frequency Hz yes yes default: 0
p16 maximum delay frequency Hz yes yes default: Nyquist
p17 bin-mapping table - yes yes default: 0 (no mapping done)
p18 wet/dry mix 0: dry -> 1: wet yes yes default: 1
p19 input channel - no yes default: 0
p20 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle yes yes default: 0

Parameters labled as Dynamic can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.

Author: John Gibson, 6/12/05

The SPECTACLE2 instrument is an evolution of the earlier SPECTACLE instrument. It allows the user to delay different parts of the spectrum of a signal at different rates, leading to some very interesting echoey-bizarro effects. Try it! It’s fun!

Usage Notes

It is probably a good idea to know in general terms how FFT analysis/synthesis DSP operates.

Although they are listed as taking references to pfield table-handles only, it is possible to update the p10 (“EQTABLE”), p11 (“DELAYTABLE”) and p12 (“FEEDBACKTABLE”) tables dynamically using modtable(table, “draw”, …). If any of these are not tables, then the single constant or changing values will apply to all FFT bins. (Useful if you want all bins to use the same feedback, for example.)

Output begins after a brief period of time during which internal buffers are filling. This time is the duration corresponding to the following number of sample frames: window length - (fft length / overlap). This duration is called “latency duration” below.

Most updateable parameters begin at the start of the note, including the initial latency duration when the instrument plays silence, and act until the end of the note, including the ring-down duration. The exception is the input envelope. It begins after the latency duration and controls the time span given by p2 “indur”).

The way the frequency range between p13 (“MINEQFREQ”) and p14 (“MAXEQFREQ”) and the delay frequency range (p15, “MINDELAYFREQ” and p16, “MAXDELAYFREQ”) operate with the various tables (including the delay feedback table, p12) is a little complicated:

If you use the bin-mapping table (p17), it must be the same size as the EQ and delay tables (p10-12). If the sum of all the elements of the mapping table is less than the total number of FFT bins – which is (FFT size / 2) + 1, and includes 0 Hz and Nyquist bins – then the extra higher-frequency bins will be assigned to the last control table element. If the sum of mapping table elements is greater than the number of bins, then some higher-frequency bins will be omitted. The frequency ranges discussed in note 3 are ignored when using the bin-mapping table. Don’t you wish you had passed zero here to ignore this feature?

SPECTACLE2 can produce either mono or stereo output.

Sample Scores

very basic:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)


   inchan = 0
   inskip = 0
   indur = DUR()
   ringdur = 15           // play after indur elapses, while delay lines flush
   amp = 0.4
   wet = 1                // 100% wet

   fftlen = 1024          // yielding 512 frequency bands
   winlen = fftlen * 2    // the standard window length is twice FFT size
   overlap = 2            // 2 hops per fftlen (4 per window)
   window = 0             // use Hamming window

   // input envelope (spanning )
   ienv = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 19,1, 20,0)

   // output envelope (spanning  + )
   oenv = maketable("curve", 1000, 0,1,0, 2,1,-1, 3,0)

   eqtablen = fftlen / 2
   mineqfreq = 0
   maxeqfreq = 0

   // EQ curve: -90 dB at 0 Hz, ramping up to 0 dB at 200 Hz, etc.
   eq = maketable("line", "nonorm", eqtablen, 0,-90, 200,0, 8000,-3, 22050,-6)

   deltablen = fftlen / 2
   mindelfreq = 0
   maxdelfreq = 0

   // fixed delay times between .4 and 3, randomly spread across spectrum
   min = .4
   max = 3
   seed = 1
   deltime = maketable("random", "nonorm", deltablen, "even", min, max, seed)

   // constant feedback of 90% for all freq. bands
   fb = .9

   // do it for the left chan
   SPECTACLE2(0, inskip, indur, amp * oenv, ienv, ringdur, fftlen, winlen,
      window, overlap, eq, deltime, fb, mineqfreq, maxeqfreq,
      mindelfreq, maxdelfreq, 0, wet, inchan, pan=1)

   // shift delay table to decorrelate channels
   deltime = copytable(modtable(deltime, "shift", 2))

   // do it for the right chan
   SPECTACLE2(0, inskip, indur, amp * oenv, ienv, ringdur, fftlen, winlen,
      window, overlap, eq, deltime, fb, mineqfreq, maxeqfreq,
      mindelfreq, maxdelfreq, 0, wet, inchan, pan=0)

slightly more advanced:

   // This shows how to "draw" randomly into the delay time table.  This
   // is an experimental feature, so don't rely on it yet.  -JGG, 6/22/05

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)

   bus_config("MIX", "in 0", "aux 0 out")
   bus_config("SPECTACLE2", "aux 0 in", "out 0")
   bus_config("SPECTACLE2", "aux 0 in", "out 1")


   indur = 60
   ringdur = 10
   dur = DUR()
   amp = 0.2
   for (st = 0; st < indur; st += dur)
      MIX(st, 0, dur, amp, 0)

   // ========================================================================
   indur = st
   wet = 1    // 100% wet

   fftlen = 512            // yielding fftlen / 2 frequency bands
   winlen = fftlen * 2     // the standard window length is twice FFT size
   overlap = 2             // 2 hops per fftlen (4 per window)
   window = 0              // use Hamming window

   // no EQ
   mineqfreq = 0
   maxeqfreq = 0
   eq = 0

   // delay time -------------------------------------------------------------
   mindelfreq = 0
   maxdelfreq = 0

   deltablen = 12    // changing this makes a big difference
   deltimeL = maketable("literal", "nonorm", deltablen, 0)
   deltimeR = copytable(deltimeL)

   // left chan
   randfreq = 9.5
   seed = 1
   index = makerandom("even", randfreq, min = 0, max = deltablen, seed)
   value = makerandom("even", randfreq, min = 0.01, max = 5, seed)
   value = makefilter(value, "smooth", lag = 30)
   deltimeL = modtable(deltimeL, "draw", "literal", index, value, 0)

   // right chan
   randfreq = 9.0
   seed += 1
   index = makerandom("even", randfreq, min = 0, max = deltablen, seed)
   value = makerandom("even", randfreq, min = 0.01, max = 5, seed)
   value = makefilter(value, "smooth", lag = 30)
   deltimeR = modtable(deltimeR, "draw", "literal", index, value, 0)
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // set feedback and overall gain using mouse
   fb = makeconnection("mouse", "x", min=0, max=1, dflt=0, lag=50, "feedback")
   amp = makeconnection("mouse", "y", min=-60, max=6, dflt=0, lag=50, "gain", "dB")
   amp = makeconverter(amp, "ampdb")

   SPECTACLE2(start=0, inskip=0, indur, amp, iamp=1, ringdur, fftlen, winlen,
      window, overlap, eq, deltimeL, fb, mineqfreq, maxeqfreq, mindelfreq,
      maxdelfreq, 0, wet, inchan=0, pan=1)

   SPECTACLE2(start=0, inskip=0, indur, amp, iamp=1, ringdur, fftlen, winlen,
      window, overlap, eq, deltimeR, fb, mineqfreq, maxeqfreq, mindelfreq,
      maxdelfreq, 0, wet, inchan=0, pan=0)

See Also