FFT-based EQ.

in RTcmix/insts/jg/SPECTACLE

quick syntax:

SPECTEQ(outsk, insk, dur, amp, ringdowndur, fftsize, windowsize, windowtype, overlap[, inputchan, pan])

NOTE: This is an older RTcmix instrument, the newer SPECTEQ2 instrument is probably better to use.

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 input start time seconds no no  
p2 input duration seconds no no  
p3 amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of input signal no no  
p4 ring-down duration seconds, can be 0 no no  
p5 FFT length samples, power of 2 no no usually 1024
p6 window length samples, power of 2 no no usually FFT length * 2
p7 window type 0: Hamming, 1: Hanning, 2: Rectangle, 3: Triangle, 4: Blackman, 5: Kaiser no no  
p8 overlap - how much FFT windows overlap samples, any power of 2 no no 1: no overlap, 2: hopsize=FFTlen/2, 4: hopsize=FFTlen/4, etc. 2 or 4 is usually fine; 1 is fluttery; the higher the more CPU timr
p9 input channel - no yes default: 0
p10 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope sysystem should be used:

Function table 1 is the input amplitude, spanning just the input duration. Function table 2 is the output amplitude, spanning the entire note, including ring-down duration. Function table 3 is the EQ table (i.e., amplitude scaling of each band), in dB (0 dB means no change, + dB boost, - dB cut).

Author: John Gibson

SPECTEQ is an FFT-based EQ/filter, part of the SPECTACLE family of fft-based fun things.

NOTE: This is an older RTcmix instrument, the newer SPECTEQ2 instrument is probably better to use.

Usage Notes

SPECTEQ allows you to directly control the amplitude of each band of an FFT analysis, thus giving you control over the shape of the resynthesized spectrum. This is a very powerful EQ/filter tool.

The parameters are very similar to the SPECTACLE instrument, see the SPECTACLE Usage Notes for more information.

The main thing is to set up function table 3 as the EQ curve. Think of it as an x-axis map of all the frequency bands of the FFT. The y values are then the amount of boost or cut for each FFT band (in relative dB – 0 dB means no change, + dB boost, - dB cut).

SPECTEQ can produce either mono or stereo output.

Sample Scores

very basic:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)
   inchan = 0
   inskip = 0
   indur = DUR()
   ringdur = 0
   amp = 5
   fftlen = 1024           /* yielding 512 frequency bands */
   winlen = fftlen * 2     /* the standard window length is twice FFT size */
   overlap = 2             /* 2 hops per fftlen (4 per window) */
   wintype = 0             /* use Hamming window */

   /* input envelope (covering ) */
   makegen(1, 18, 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 19,1, 20,0)

   /* output envelope (covering  + ) */
   copygen(2, 1)

   nyquist = SR()/2
   /* EQ curve: -90 dB at 0 Hz, ramping up to -10 dB at 400 Hz, etc. */
   makegen(3, 18, nyquist/10,
          0,   -90,
        300,   -90,
        400,   -10,
        800,   -20,
       1000,   -90,
       2000,   -90,
       5000,   0,
    nyquist,   -40)

   /* do it for the left chan! */
   start = 0
   SPECTEQ(start, inskip, indur, amp, ringdur, fftlen, winlen, wintype, overlap, inchan, pctleft=1)

   /* do it for the right chan! */
   SPECTEQ(start, inskip, indur, amp, ringdur, fftlen, winlen, wintype, overlap, inchan, pctleft=0)

See Also