Wavetable oscillator with frequency modulation and filter.

in RTcmix/insts/jg

quick syntax:

WIGGLE(outsk, dur, CARAMP, CARFREQ, moddepth, filttype, steepness, balance, CARWAVE, MODWAVE, MODFREQ, MODDEPTH, LOWPASSFREQ[, PAN)

CAPITALIZED parameters are pfield-enabled for table or dynamic control (see the maketable or makeconnection scorefile commands). Parameters after the [bracket] are optional and default to 0 unless otherwise noted.

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 carrier amplitude absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 yes no  
p3 carrier oscillator frequency Hz/oct.pc yes no  
p4 modulator depth control type 0: no modulation at all, 1: percent of carrier frequency, 2: modulation index [useful for FM] no no  
p5 type of filter 0: no filter, 1: low-pass, 2: high-pass no no  
p6 steepness > 0 no no  
p7 balance output and input signals 0:no, 1:yes no no  
p8 carrier wavetable reference to pfield table-handle yes no  
p9 modulator wavetable reference to pfield table-handle yes no  
p10 modulator frequency Hz, or carrier-ratio if negative yes no  
p11 modulator depth - yes no  
p12 lowpass filter cutoff frequency Hz yes no  
p13 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle yes yes default: 0

Parameters labled as Dynamic can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.

Author: John Gibson, 12/4/01; rev. for v4, 6/17/05.

Older Documentation:


wavetable oscillator with frequency modulation and filter (in package insts.jg)

WIGGLE is a kind of combination of WAVETABLE and FMINST. The time-varying capabilities in the first version of WIGGLE are now possible with the pfield-enabled WAVETABLE and FMINST instruments, so WIGGLE may be redundant. It does do a whole lot of fun synthesis things, however.

Usage Notes

Oct.pc format generally will not work as you expect for p3 (“CARFREQ”) if the pfield changes dynamically. Use Hz instead in that case.

The modulator depth control type (p4, “moddepth”) tells WIGGLE how to interpret modulator depth values (p11, “MODDEPTH”). You can express these as a percentage of the carrier (0-100), useful for subaudio rate modulation, or as a modulation index (useful for audio rate FM). If you don’t want to use the modulating oscillator at all, set p4 to 0.

Steepness (p6 “steepness”) is just the number of filters to add in series. Using more than 1 steepens the slope of the filter. If you don’t set p7 (“balance”) to 1, you’ll need to change p2 (“CARAMP”) to adjust for loss of power caused by connecting several filters in series.

Parameter p7 (“balance”) tries to adjust the output of the filter so that it has the same power as the input. This means there’s less fiddling around with p2 (“CARAMP”) to get the right amplitude when steepness is >1. However, it has drawbacks: it can introduce a click at the start of the sound, it can cause the sound to pump up and down a bit, and it eats extra CPU time.

Parameter p10 (“MODFREQ”) – the modulator frequency – is in Hz. Or, if it is negative, then its absolute value will be interpreted as the modulator’s ratio to the carrier frequency. E.g…

will change gradually from a C:M ratio of 1:2 to a ratio of 1:2.3 over the course of the note.

The carrier and modulator wavetables can be updated in real time using modtable(…, “draw”, …)

WIGGLE can produce either mono or stereo output.

Sample Scores

NOTE: These are older scorefiles using the makegen function table system. This really isn’t used much anymore

Sample scorefile 1:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)

   dur = 12
   amp = 10000
   pitch = 8.00
   mod_depth_type = 1      /* % of car freq */

   setline(0,0, 1,1, 2,1, 5,0)

   makegen(2, 10, 8000, 1,1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6,1/7,1/8)  /* car waveform */
   makegen(3, 18, 1000, 0,-0.02, 1,0.07)                /* car gliss */
   makegen(4, 10, 8000, 1)                              /* mod waveform */
   makegen(5, 18, 1000, 0,20, 1,3, 2,0)                 /* mod freq */
   makegen(6, 18, 1000, 0,1, 1,20, 2,5)                 /* mod depth */
   makegen(8, 18, 5000, 0,1, 1,.9, 5,0)                 /* pan */

   WIGGLE(st=0.00, dur, amp, pitch, mod_depth_type)

   amp = amp * 0.4
   makegen(2, 10, 8000, 1,0,1/9,0,1/25,0,1/49)          /* car waveform */
   makegen(3, 18, 1000, 0,0.02, 3,-0.10, 4,-2.05)       /* car gliss */
   makegen(5, 18, 1000, 0,21, 1,1, 2,0)                 /* mod freq */
   makegen(6, 18, 1000, 0,1, 1,20, 2,8)                 /* mod depth */
   makegen(8, 18, 5000, 0,0, 2,.1, 5,1)                 /* pan */

   WIGGLE(st=0.05, dur, amp, pitch+2.005, mod_depth_type)

Sample scorefile 2:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)

   dur = 10
   two_layers = 1  /* 0: one layer, 1: two layers */
   amp = 800
   pitch = 11.00

   setline(0,1, dur-.1,1, dur,0)

   makegen(2, 10, 8000, 1,.3,.1)       /* car waveform */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Use gliss function, created with gen 20, to provide random "vibrato."
      This shows how to compute gen size to get the vibrato rate you want.
      Note that WIGGLE doesn't interpolate between values of the gliss
      function, so you get a clear stair-step effect, like an old analog
      sequencer.  If you want smooth transitions between the steps, use
      the mod oscillator instead.  Then you could also have varying speed,
      which can do with the gliss function.
   vib_speed = 10 /* in Hz */
   dist_type = 0  /* 0=even, 1=low, 2=high, 3=triangle, 4=gaussian, 5=cauchy */
   seed = 1

   /* down as much as a perfect fifth, up as much as an octave */
   min = -0.07    /* in oct.pc */
   max = 1.00

   gen_size = vib_speed * dur

   /* gliss function values are in linear octaves, thus the octpch conversions. */
   makegen(3, 20, gen_size, dist_type, seed, octpch(min), octpch(max))

   WIGGLE(st=0, dur, amp, pitch)

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (two_layers) {
      /* same as above, but different seed */
      makegen(3, 20, gen_size, dist_type, seed+1, octpch(min), octpch(max))
      pitch = pitch - 3  /* 3 octaves below */
      WIGGLE(st=0, dur, amp, pitch)

Sample scorefile 3:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)
   bus_config("WIGGLE", "aux 0-1 out")
   bus_config("FREEVERB", "aux 0-1 in", "out 0-1")

   dur = 18

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------- wiggle --- */
   amp = 7000
   pitch = 7.00
   mfreq = cpspch(pitch+1)

   setline(0,0, 1,1, 6,1, 8,0)

   makegen(2, 10, 8000, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) /* car wave */
   makegen(3, 18, 10, 0,0,1,0)                        /* car gliss */
   makegen(4, 10, 80, 1, 1, .4)                       /* mod wave */
   makegen(5, 18, 20, 0,mfreq, 1,mfreq, 2,mfreq-18)   /* mod freq */
   makegen(6, 18, 2000, 0,1.5, 1,1.8)                 /* mod depth */
   makegen(7, 18, 2000, 0,4000, 1,10000, 2,100)       /* filt cf */
   makegen(8, 18, 2000, 0,0, 1,.5)                    /* pan */

   depth_type = 2  /* mod index */
   filt_type = 1
   filt_steep = 5

   WIGGLE(st=0, dur, amp, pitch, depth_type, filt_type, filt_steep)

   makegen(3, 20, 250, 4, 1, -.04,.04)                /* car gliss */
   makegen(8, 18, 2000, 0,1, 1,0)                     /* pan */
   WIGGLE(st=0.01, dur, amp, pitch, depth_type, filt_type, filt_steep)

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------- reverb --- */
   roomsize = 0.85
   predelay = 0.02
   ringdur = 1.0
   damp = 50
   dry = 80
   wet = 30
   stwid = 100

   FREEVERB(0, 0, dur, amp=1, roomsize, predelay, ringdur, damp, dry, wet, stwid)

Sample scorefile 4:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)

   dur = 25
   amp = 3000
   pitch = 10.00

   makegen(1, 4, 2000, 0,0,2, dur*.1,1,0, dur*.4,1,-3, dur,0)

   makegen(2, 10, 8000, 1)                /* car wave */
   makegen(3, 20, 300, 2, 0, -1.00,2.00)  /* random gliss */

   makegen(4, 10, 1000, 1)                /* mod waveform */
   makegen(5, 18, 20, 0,200, 1,200)       /* mod pitch */
   makegen(6, 18, 2000, 0,20, 1,20)       /* mod depth */

   makegen(-7, 4, 2000, 0,1000,-4, 1,1)   /* filter cf */
   makegen(8, 18, 2000, 0,.2, 1,.5, 2,1)  /* pan */

   filt_type = 2                          /* highpass */
   filt_steep = 20

   WIGGLE(st=0, dur, amp, pitch, 2, filt_type, filt_steep)

   makegen(8, 18, 2000, 0,1, 1,0)         /* pan */
   WIGGLE(st=0.1, dur, amp, pitch+.01, 2, filt_type, filt_steep)

See Also