Very similar to the Perl front-end procedure for RTcmix, you will need to configure RTcmix using the –with-python configuration flag (see the installation guide for information about this). Once you do this and (re-)compile RTcmix, you’re set to go with a Python front-end. As with Perl, this can be used in place of the default scorefile language Minc. You will need to use the PYCMIX command instead of CMIX to start RTcmix.
To use RTcmix within PYCMIX, you must import the rtcmix extension like this:
from rtcmix import *
or (preferably)
import rtcmix as rt
In the latter case, use the “rt.” prefix for all RTcmix functions. E.g.,
rt.rtsetparams(44100, 2)
Here is a Python script showing the RTcmix ability to chain several instruments together. (This is a translation of “sample_scores/LONGCHAIN_1.sco from Minc to Python.”)
# This score makes a wavetable synth riff and feeds it through 3 effects
# in series: flange -> delay -> reverb
from rtcmix import *
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
bus_config("WAVETABLE", "aux 0-1 out")
bus_config("FLANGE", "aux 0-1 in", "aux 10-11 out")
bus_config("JDELAY", "aux 10-11 in", "aux 4-5 out")
bus_config("REVERBIT", "aux 4-5 in", "out 0-1")
totdur = 30
masteramp = 1.0
atk = 2; dcy = 4
notes = [5.00, 5.001, 5.02, 5.03, 5.05, 5.07, 5.069, 5.10, 6.00]
numnotes = len(notes)
transposition = 2.00 # try 7.00 also, for some cool aliasing...
# ----------------------------------------------------------- synth ---
notedur = .10
incr = notedur + .015
maxampdb = 92
minampdb = 75
control_rate(20000) # need high control rate for short synth notes
env = maketable("line", 10000, 0,0, 1,1, 20,0)
wavet = maketable("wave", 10000, 1, .9, .7, .5, .3, .2, .1, .05, .02)
ampdiff = maxampdb - minampdb
st = 0
while st < totdur:
slot = int(random() * numnotes * .999999)
pitch = pchoct(octpch(notes[slot]) + octpch(transposition))
amp = ampdb(minampdb + (ampdiff * random()))
pan = random()
WAVETABLE(st, notedur, amp * env, pitch, pan, wavet)
st += incr
# for the rest
amp = masteramp
# ---------------------------------------------------------- flange ---
resonance = 0.3
lowpitch = 5.00
moddepth = 90
modspeed = 0.08
wetdrymix = 0.5
flangetype = 0
wavetabsize = 100000
wavet = maketable("wave", wavetabsize, "sine")
maxdelay = 1.0 / cpspch(lowpitch)
st = 0; insk = 0; inchan = 0; pan = 1; ringdur = 0
FLANGE(st, insk, totdur, amp, resonance, maxdelay, moddepth,
modspeed, wetdrymix, flangetype, inchan, pan, ringdur, wavet)
lowpitch += 0.07
maxdelay = 1.0 / cpspch(lowpitch)
wavet = maketable("wave3", wavetabsize, 1, 1, -180)
st = 0; insk = 0; inchan = 1; pan = 0; ringdur = 0
FLANGE(st, insk, totdur, amp, resonance, maxdelay, moddepth,
modspeed, wetdrymix, flangetype, inchan, pan, ringdur, wavet)
# ----------------------------------------------------------- delay ---
deltime = notedur * 2.2
regen = 0.70
wetdry = 0.12
cutoff = 0
ringdur = 2.0
env = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, atk,1, totdur-dcy,1, totdur,0)
st = 0; insk = 0; inchan = 0; pan = 1
JDELAY(st, insk, totdur, amp * env, deltime, regen, ringdur, cutoff,
wetdry, inchan, pan)
st = 0.02; inchan = 1; pan = 0
JDELAY(st, insk, totdur, amp * env, deltime, regen, ringdur, cutoff,
wetdry, inchan, pan)
# ---------------------------------------------------------- reverb ---
revtime = 1.0
revpct = 0.3
rtchandel = 0.05
cf = 0
st = 0; insk = 0
REVERBIT(st, insk, totdur+ringdur, amp, revtime, revpct, rtchandel, cf)