Input sound waveshaping instrument.

in RTcmix/insts/jg

quick syntax:


CAPITALIZED parameters are pfield-enabled for table or dynamic control (see the maketable or makeconnection scorefile commands). Parameters after the [bracket] are optional and default to 0 unless otherwise noted.

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 input start time seconds no no  
p2 input duration seconds no no  
p3 amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of input signal yes no  
p4 minimum distortion index 0.0-1.0 yes no  
p5 maximum distortion index 0.0-1.0 yes no  
p6 amplitude normalization reference to pfield table-handle yes no 0 for no normalization
p7 input channel - no no  
p8 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle yes no  
p9 waveshaping tranfer function reference to pfield table-handle yes no  
p10 index control envelope reference to pfield table-handle yes yes default: constant 1.0

Parameters labled as Dynamic can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.

Author: John Gibson, 3 Jan 2002; rev for v4, 7/21/04

SHAPE does a table-lookup waveshaping (distortion) on an arbitrary input soundfile. The WAVESHAPE instrument uses a similar approach, but does synthesis instead of signal-processing.

Usage Notes

SHAPE accepts input from a file, a real-time audio device, or from a bus. It also offers a different way of performing amplitude normalization than WAVESHAPE. SHAPE accomplishes this by applying a waveshaping transfer function to the input source. (See Dodge and Jerse, or any other computer music text, for a detailed explanation of this technique.)

For a short explanation of the waveshaping process and how to configure the transfer function (p8, “TRANSFERFUNCTION”) along with the index control function (p9, “INDEXENV” if used) and index constraints (p3 and p4, “INDEXMIN”, “INDEXMAX”), see the WAVESHAPE Usage Notes.

If you want to perform amplitude normalization, use a pfield table through p6 (“AMPNORMTABLE”) with the normalization curve. Otherwise, set p6 to zero. The amplitude normalization control table allows you to decouple amplitude and timbral change, to some extent. (Read about this in the Roads “Computer Music Tutorial’’ chapter on waveshaping.) The table maps incoming signal amplitudes, on the X axis, to amplitude multipliers, on the Y axis. The multipliers should be from 0 to 1. The amplitude multipliers are applied to the output signal, along with whatever overall amplitude curve is in effect. Generally, you’ll want a curve that starts high and moves lower for the higher signal amplitudes. This will keep the bright and dark timbres more equal in amplitude. But anything is possible.

The output of SHAPE can be either stereo or mono.

Sample Scores

very basic:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)

   bus_config("WAVETABLE", "aux 0 out")
   bus_config("SHAPE", "aux 0 in", "out 0-1")

   dur = 10
   amp = 10000
   freq = 200
   start = 0
   WAVETABLE(start, dur, amp, freq, 0)

   amp = 1.0
   ampenv = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 9,1, 10,0)

   transferfunc = maketable("cheby", "nonorm", 1000, 0.9, 0.3, -0.2, 0.6, -0.7, 0.9, -0.1)

   min = 0; max = 3.0
   indexguide = maketable("window", 1000, "hanning")    // bell curve

   SHAPE(start, inskip = 0, dur, amp*ampenv, min, max, 0, inchan=0, pan=0.5, transferfunc, indexguide)

slightly more advanced:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)

   bus_config("WAVETABLE", "aux 0 out")
   bus_config("SHAPE", "aux 0 in", "out 0-1")

   dur = 20
   freq = 60

   amp = 20000
   wavet = maketable("wave", 2000, 1, .3, .1)
   WAVETABLE(start=0, dur, amp, freq, 0, wavet)

   transferfunc = maketable("wave", 1000, "square13")

   // sample-and-hold distortion index
   speed = 7   // sample-and-hold changes per second
   indexguide = makerandom("even", speed, min=0, max=1, seed=1)
   indexguide = makefilter(indexguide, "smooth", lag=20)
   minidx = 0.0
   maxidx = 3.0

   normfunc = maketable("curve", "nonorm", 1000, 0,1,-1, 1,.3)

   amp = 0.8
   env = maketable("line", 1000, 0,1, dur-.03,1, dur,0)

   SHAPE(start, inskip=0, dur, amp * env, minidx, maxidx, normfunc, 0, 1, transferfunc, indexguide)

   // vary distortion index for other channel
   indexguide = makerandom("even", speed, min=0, max=1, seed + 1)
   indexguide = makefilter(indexguide, "smooth", lag=20)
   SHAPE(start, inskip=0, dur, amp * env, minidx, maxidx, normfunc, 0, 0, transferfunc, indexguide)

See Also

maketable, makerandom, makefilter, DISTORT, SHAPE, DECIMATE, COMPLIMIT