“Shaker” PhISEM and PhOLIES physical model.
in RTcmix/insts/stk
CAPITALIZED parameters are pfield-enabled for table or dynamic control (see the maketable or makeconnection scorefile commands). Parameters after the [bracket] are optional and default to 0 unless otherwise noted.
Param Field | Parameter | Units | Dynamic | Optional | Notes |
p0 | output start time | seconds | no | no | |
p1 | duration | seconds | no | no | |
p2 | amplitude | absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 | yes | no | |
p3 | energy | 0.0-1.0 | yes | no | |
p4 | decay | 0.0-1.0 | yes | no | |
p5 | # of objects | 0.0-1.0 | yes | no | |
p6 | resonance freq | 0.0-1.0 | yes | no | |
p7 | instrument selection | 0-22 | no | no | see the Usage Notes below |
p8 | pan | 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle | yes | yes | default: 0.5 |
Parameters labled as Dynamic can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.
Author: Brad Garton, based on code from the Synthesis ToolKit
MSHAKERS is the “Shakers” PhISEM and PhOLIES physical model in Perry Cook and Gary Scavone’s STK, the Synthesis ToolKit.
MSHAKERS realizes the sound of many ‘shaken’ instruments (maracas, sleigh bells, change rattling in coffee mugs, etc.) using a “stochastic modelling” approach that Perry Cook developed. There are a large number of diverse sounds available through this one instrument – try ‘em all!
Here’s what Perry says about “Shakers”:
The instrument number values for p7 (“instrument”) are:
Increasing parameter p3 (“ENERGY”) will tend to keep the instrument going. Parameter p4 (“DECAY” interacts with the natural decay of the shaker. If p4 > 1.0 the instrument will go for a loooong time (be careful!).
MSHAKERS can produce other mono or stereo output.
very basic:
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
st = 0
inst = 0
for (j = 0; j < 23; j = j+1)
for (i = 0; i < 7; i = i+1)
MSHAKERS(st, 0.5, 20000, 0.9, 0.8, 0.5, 0.7, inst)
st = st + 0.2
inst = inst + 1
slightly more advanced:
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
st = 0
numobjs = 0
for (i = 0; i < 20; i = i+1)
MSHAKERS(st, 0.5, 30000, 0.8, 0.8, numobjs, 0.1, 0)
numobjs = numobjs + 0.05
st = st + 0.2
st = st + 0.5
energy = 0
for (i = 0; i < 20; i = i+1)
MSHAKERS(st, 0.5, 30000, energy, 0.8, 0.5, 0.1, 0)
energy = energy + 0.05
st = st + 0.2
st = st + 0.5
decay = 0
for (i = 0; i < 20; i = i+1)
MSHAKERS(st, 0.5, 30000, 0.8, decay, 0.5, 0.1, 0)
decay = decay + 0.05
st = st + 0.2
st = st + 0.5
resofreq = 0
for (i = 0; i < 20; i = i+1)
MSHAKERS(st, 0.5, 30000, 0.8, 0.8, 0.5, resofreq, 0)
resofreq = resofreq + 0.05
st = st + 0.2
fun stuff!
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
MSHAKERS(0, 3.5, 4*20000, 0.9, 1.05, 0.5, 0.7, 1)
amp = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 2,1, 2.1,0)
MSHAKERS(4, 3.5, amp*5*20000, 0.9, 1.05, 0.5, 0.7, 3)
energy = maketable("line", "nonorm", 1000, 0,0, 1,0.2, 2,0)
resonance = makeLFO("tri", 3.5, 0.3, 0.4)
MSHAKERS(8, 3.5, 5000, energy, 0.1, 0.5, resonance, 14)
decay = maketable("line", "nonorm", 1000, 0,1, 1,1.1, 2,0)
pan = maketable("line", 1000, 0,1, 1,0.3, 2,0.7, 3,0, 4,1, 5,0)
MSHAKERS(12, 3.5, 3*20000, 0.9, decay, 0.5, 0.7, 19, pan)
nobjs = maketable("line", 1000, 0,1, 1,0, 3,1)
energy = maketable("line", "nonorm", 1000, 0,0.1, 1,0.2, 2,0)
MSHAKERS(15, 5.5, 5000, energy, 0.1, nobjs, 0.7, 5)