Using RTcmix Embedded Inside Another Application

One of the niftiest things about RTcmix is that almost the entire language can be “embedded” within another C++ application. Direct interfaces to RTcmix instruments can be designed quite easily using graphical environments such as wxWindows, X11/Motif, OpenGL, etc. or RTcmix can be used as a convenient way to “auralize” data within an entirely different program, or certain features of RTcmix (like the scheduler) can be imported for totally twisted non-audio use, or… like, the sky’s the limit. Yeah. That’s it. Imagination.

It is really simple to set this up. To access and run RTcmix from within another program, you need to make use of the RTcmix object. To use this, you will need the statements

#define MAIN
#include <globals.h>
#include <RTcmix.h>

in the file containing the main() entry point. The “globals.h” file contains definitions of variables and values that RTcmix needs. The “RTcmix.h” file is included for the defintion of the RTcmix object as you would with any C++ object (we are assuming that the Makefile is set appropriately to find the RTcmix.h file – see the discussion of Makefiles below). The “#define MAIN” is needed by RTcmix to be sure that certain variable definitions are appropriately included.

You will also need to put

#include <globals.h>
#include <RTcmix.h>

in any subsidiary files defining functions or objects that make use of the RTcmix object, as you would expect (note that the “#define MAIN” statement only goes in the same file where main() is defined).

With these #include files set, creating the RTcmix object is trivial:

RTcmix *rrr;

rrr = new RTcmix();

At this point, rrr references a fully-functioning RTcmix. The

rrr = new RTcmix();

statement takes the place of the rtsetparams scorefile command. The RTcmix() constructor can set many of the same parameters as rtsetparams – sampling rate, number of channels, etc. – if so desired.

All scorefile commands can now be sent to the RTcmix object using this syntax:

rrr->cmd("COMMAND",   NPARAMS,   p0, p1, p2, ...);

where COMMAND is the name of the scorefile command, NPARAMS is the number of parameters you are sending the command, and the following p0, p1, p2, … numbers are the parameter values. The only trickiness in this vs. an actual scorefile command is that the p-fields should be floating-point values (for numerical parameters) or “string” values (for strings, obviously). NPARAMS should be an integer. Regular RTcmix scorefiles allow both floating-point and integere p-fields, but the truth of the matter is that they are all converted to floating-point ‘inside’ the language, so this really doesn’t change how a command will function.

For example, the WAVETABLE command we used in our first simple standalone tutorial

WAVETABLE(0, 3.5, 20000, 440.0)

would be sent to RTcmix via the rrr object we created like this:

rrr->cmd("WAVETABLE", 4, 0.0, 3.5, 20000.0, 440.0);

The entire “greatmusic.score” scorefile:

rtsetparams(44100, 2)

makegen(1, 24, 1000, 0,1, 3.5,1)
makegen(2, 10, 1000, 1.0, 0.4, 0.2)

WAVETABLE(0, 3.5, 20000, 440.0)

in an embedded application would be:

RTcmix *rrr;

rrr = new RTcmix(44100.0, 2); // not completely necessary -- this is the default

rrr->cmd("load", 1, "WAVETABLE");

rrr->cmd("makegen", 7, 1.0, 24.0, 1000.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.5, 1.0);
rrr->cmd("makegen", 6, 2.0, 10.0, 1000.0, 1.0, 0.4, 0.2);

rrr->cmd("WAVETABLE", 4, 0.0, 3.5, 20000.0, 440.0);

The sleep(1) is sometimes needed to allow the computer to fully instantiate the RTcmix thread. On faster machines this isn’t necessary.

The only part of RTcmix that the RTcmix object does not handle is the Minc (or perl, python, etc.) “front-end” parsing language. Thus no for loops, or if-then-else constructions can be sent to the RTcmix object. We assume that the embedded context will allow you to do any of this – the application in which the RTcmix object functions becomes the interface/parser. It would be somewhat silly to build and send a loop construct from within C++ when you could just do it in C++, right?

The RTcmix Object Return Value

When the RTcmix object completes the execution of a command, what does it return? If the command was an RTcmix instrument, it returns an Instrument * pointer that can be recast to a specific type of instrument. Otherwise the value it returns is rather meaningless and must be retrieved in a different way (see below).

The reason that this Instrument * pointer is important is that it gives the embedding application a way to interact directly with each RTcmix note that gets scheduled. Suppose you wanted to change the frequency of an executing WAVETABLE note dynamically, perhaps tracking the movement of an interface slider or some other changing data object. By designing and adding a method for WAVETABLE like:

WAVETABLE::changeFrequency(double freq)

you can use the returned Instrument * pointer to access it. [note: we won’t be discussing RTcmix instrument design here, please see the instrument design tutorial.] To accomplish this, you will need to declare a WAVETABLE * pointer (including the appropriate “WAVETABLE.h” for the required C++ object definition):

#include "WAVETABLE.h"

// ... all of the RTcmix set-up and use for RTcmix *rrr ...

RTcmix *rrr;

rrr = new RTcmix();

rrr->cmd("load", 1, "WAVETABLE");

rrr->cmd("makegen", 7, 1.0, 24.0, 1000.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.5, 1.0);
rrr->cmd("makegen", 6, 2.0, 10.0, 1000.0, 1.0, 0.4, 0.2);

theWave = (WAVETABLE *)rrr->cmd("WAVETABLE", 4, 0.0, 999.0, 20000.0, 440.0);

At this point, theWave can now be used to change the frequency of the note (notice that we set the duration to 999.0 seconds so that it will be making sound continuously:


// etc.

There are, however, some RTcmix scorefile commands (such as cpspch that return numerical values instead of Instrument * pointers. We decided not to figure out how to handle multiple return types, but instead wrote a cmdval() method for the RTcmix object. This method works the same way that cmd() does, except that it returns a floating-point value after it executes.

RTcmix *rrr;
float freq;

rrr = new RTcmix();

freq = rrr->cmdval("cpspch", 1, 8.09);

will assign the value “440.0” to the freq variable.

With cmd() and cmdval, you can make use of all that the RTcmix object has to offer. We have added a few ‘shortcuts’ that can make your programming life a teeny bit easier. For instance,




will turn on and off all RTcmix output. You may want to place the printOff() command directly after the new RTcmix() constructor to prevent RTcmix printing output from within an application.

RTcmix commands that have no arguments may be called without the NPARAMS:

avar = rrr->cmd("random");

Also note that cmdval() is not necessary for this 0-pfield scorefile command.

A note about RTcmix instrument loading

A little discussion of the load scorefile command in an embedded application is necessary, though. When you bundle a finished RTcmix-embedding application, you will need to include the dynamic library files for the instruments you use (like “”). These are found in the “shlib/” subdirectory of RTcmix, or (as in the case of the changeFrequency() method added to WAVETABLE above) you will want to include an instrument library that you have compiled. Looking closely at the documentation for the load scorefile command, notice that it can use absolute or relative pathnames to find the dynamic library for loading. If you had created a “” instrument library, then you could simply keep it in the same directory with your finished RTcmix-embedding app, and call the load command like this:

rrr->cmd("load", 1, "./");

and it should work just fine. Alternatively, you could build an installer that would place “” into some common directory, like “/usr/local/lib” and use:

rrr->cmd("load", 1, "/usr/local/lib/");

load should also work fine in this case.

An additional utility function

Including the RTcmix object in your application also loads in a function that isn’t part of the RTcmix object ‘proper’, but is very useful for digital audio applications. The function RTtimeit() will allow you to easily set up a fairly well-timed, repeating call to another function. The RTtimeit() function takes two arguments, the first is a floating-point number that is the number of seconds between each call to the second argument, a pionter to a void-returning function.

As a demonstration of this, suppose you wrote a function called gonotes() that generated a burst of 8 notes, and you wanted this burst to occur every 2.4 seconds. In your embedding application the gonotes() function would be declared:

void *gonotes();

and the RTtimeit() call to make gonotoes() fire every 2,4 seconds would be:

RTtimeit(2.4, (sig_t)gonotes);

The RTtimeit() can be called with a different timing value for gonotes() at any point, including within the gonotes() function itself. Setting the timing value in RTtimeit() to 0.0 should turn off the repeating function calls. [note: RTtimeit() uses the Unix SIGALRM signal, and will ‘wake up’ any processes also using SIGALRM (like sleep(). You may need to place sleep()’s in a while loop. See the “RTcmix/imbed/arpeggiate” program for an example of this.]

Makefiles and Embedded RTcmix

Although Makefiles can be weird and esoteric things, creating one to compile an embedded RTcmix application shouldn’t be too difficult… assuming, of course, that you have a Makefile that will indeed build the application itself (i.e. without the RTcmix addition).

Here is a Makefile to compiled a C++/OpenGL program called “fredspace”, with no RTcmix inclusions:

XINCS = -I/usr/X11R6/include/
XFLAGS =  -L/usr/X11R6/lib/ -lXext -lX11 -lGL -lGLU -lm -laux

fredspace: fredspace.o
      g++ -o fredspace fredspace.o $(XFLAGS)

fredspace.o: fredspace.C
      g++ -c fredspace.c $(XINCS)

If we modify the “fredspace.C” program to use the RTcmix object, we only need a few changes to the Makefile to compile it:

include /usr/local/src/RTcmix/makefile.conf

XINCS = -I/usr/X11R6/include/
XFLAGS =  -L/usr/X11R6/lib/ -lXext -lX11 -lGL -lGLU -lm -laux

# So main() will declare RTcmix globals

fredspace: fredspace.o
      g++ -o fredspace fredspace.o $(GLOBALS) $(DYN) $(XFLAGS) $(IMBCMIXOBJS) $(LDFLAGS)

fredspace.o: fredspace.C
      g++ $(GLOBALS) -c fredspace.c $(XINCS)

The first change to the Makefile, the line:

include /usr/local/src/RTcmix/makefile.conf

will set up the Makefile with compiler flags and definitions that are specific to your operating system and RTcmix. We are assuming here that RTcmix is installed in “/usr/local/src/RTcmix”. The file “makefile.conf” in the top-level RTcmix directory contains these defintions. etc.

The Makefile lines:

# So main() will declare RTcmix globals

are probably somewhat redundant, but they guarantee that appropriate compiled information is set for the Makefile.

Finally, including the Makefile variables $(GLOBALS) $(DYN) $(IMBCMIXOBJS) and $(LDFLAGS) in the main fredspace target and including $(GLOBALS) in the fredspace.o object target should allow the compiler/linker to find all of the library and header files it needs to build the application successfully. [note: Except for $(GLOBALS), all of the Makefile target flags listed are from the RTcmix file “makefile.conf”.]

This approach to creating a Makefile is pretty generic, “old-style” Unix, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to use this as a guide to set up various compiler-environments and project-builder applications for embedded RTcmix applications. In addition to some of the specific flags and #defines found in the “makefile.conf” file, it will be important to put the “RTcmix/H” directory on the search path for header files, and the “RTcmix/lib” directory in the search path for the “genlib.a” library. Also, the files “RTcmix/sys/cmix.o” and “RTcmix/Minc/inbRTcmix.o” will need to be linked in order to build the final executable application.

A note about compiling RTcmix for embedded use

In certain circumstances, it isn’t good to have RTcmix exit when a scorefile error occurs. In the main “RTcmix/makefile.conf” file, the following entry can be modified:

# Comment this out to set the die() function so that it will not exit on
# encountering an error (you may want to do this if you are using
# RTcmix in the context of another application where you don't want
# to terminate the application because of an RTcmix error

by commenting out the CMIX_FLAGS line:


Recompiling RTcmix will set it so that instruments returning the value DONT_SCHEDULE (defined in “RTcmix/rtstuff/rtdefs.h”) from their ::init() member functions will not be placed on the execution queue, and print a warning message without exiting. This will keep RTcmix from halting the execution of the calling application.

Brad Garton