Standalone RTcmix

Downloading RTcmix Source

The RTcmix source code lives on GitHub. There are two ways to download it.

  1. Go to the RTcmix Releases page, and download the most recent (or other) release, using the “Source code (zip)” or “Source code (tar.gz)” buttons. Unpack this archive, if necessary, by double-clicking its icon. This should produce a folder called “RTcmix-5.2.2” (or a similar version number). Then move this folder into the place where you wish to keep the RTcmix source. The usual place for such things is /usr/local/src, or /opt/local/src, but it can be anywhere.


  2. Assuming you are conversant with git, navigate to a directory where you would like the source code to live, and give this command in the shell:

    git clone

Configuring RTcmix

In the RTcmix source code directory (“RTcmix/”), type the shell command:


There are options you may wish to use with the configure command for your installation – Perl, Python, X Windows, fftw-lib, etc. See the INSTALL file in the top-level RTcmix source directory for a discussion of these.

Compiling and Installing RTcmix

After running the configure command (with any appropriate options), then type (in that same “RTcmix/” directory):

make && make install

This will compile and install:

Making the New Executables Visible to Your Shell

All RTcmix executable commands, including the CMIX command, are placed in the “RTcmix/bin” directory. To make these commands visible to your shell, you can copy/move them to a directory like “/usr/local/bin” or “/usr/bin”. These directories are probably already on your command search path. To see your command search path, type the command:

echo $path


echo $PATH

and you should see a listing of all directories that are searched for executable commands.

You can also add the “/bin" directory to your command search path. You will probably need to edit or create a ".tcshrc: or ".cshrc" or equivalent shell initialization file to do this. An example of a line in a ".tcshrc" that accomplishes this is:

set path=(~/bin $path /usr/local/bin /usr/local/src/RTcmix/bin ".")

Once you do this, you will need to start a new Terminal or Shell window (or use the unix source command) to reflect the change you have made. See the documentation for “tcsh” or “csh” or “bash” for more information.

If all else fails, you can type the whole pathname as a prefix to the RTcmix executable command you want:

/usr/local/src/RTcmix/bin/sfprint somefile.aiff
/usr/local/src/RTcmix/bin/cpspch 8.07