Time-varying FFT-based delay.

in RTcmix/insts/jg/SPECTACLE

quick syntax:

TVSPECTACLE(outsk, insk, dur, amp, ringdowndur, fftsize, windowsize, windowtype, overlap[, sigmix, inputchan, pan])

NOTE: This is an older RTcmix instrument, the newer SPECTACLE2 instrument (with time-varying pfield control) is probably better to use.

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 input start time seconds no no  
p2 input duration seconds no no  
p3 amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of input signal no no  
p4 ring-down duration seconds no no  
p5 FFT length samples, power of 2, usually 1024 no no  
p6 window length samples, power of 2, usually FFT length * 2 no no  
p7 window type 0: Hamming, 1: Hanning, 2: Rectangle, 3: Triangle, 4: Blackman, 5: Kaiser no no  
p8 overlap - how much FFT windows overlap (any power of 2) 1: no overlap, 2: hopsize=FFTlen/2, 4: hopsize=FFTlen/4, etc. no no 2 or 4 is usually fine; 1 is fluttery; the higher the more CPU time
p9 wet/dry mix 0: dry -> 1: wet no yes default: 1
p10 input channel - no yes default: 0
p11 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope system should be used:

Author: John Gibson

TVSPECTACLE is an FFT-based delay instrument based on the SPECTACLE instrument. The difference is that TVSPECTACLE allows the EQ, delay and feedback parameters to vary over time.

NOTE: This is an older RTcmix instrument, the newer SPECTACLE2 instrument is probably better to use. The parameter time-variation can be accomplished using the pfield-enabled capabilities of SPECTACLE2.

Usage Notes

See the SPECTACLE Usage Notes of an explanation of the basic parameters of this instrument.

There are two ‘sets’ of makegen function tables used to specify ‘endpoints’ for the EQ params (p3 and p6), the delay times for each FFT bin (p4 and p7) and the feedback values for each FFT bin (p5 and p8). Function tables listed in p9, p10 and p11 then specify the envelope trajectory between these two sets. When the envelope in the function table is at “0”, values from the corresponding first set (p4, p5, p6) will be used. When the control envelope is at “1”, values from the second set (p7, p8, p9) will be used. Intermediate control values will interpolate between the endpoint table values.

TVSPECTACLE can produce either mono or stereo output.

There are no sample scorefiles.

See Also