Extended Karplus-Strong (“plucked string”) physical model with distortion and feedback.

in RTcmix/insts/std

quick syntax:

START(outsk, dur, pitch, funddecay, nyqdecay, amp, squish[, pan, deleteflag])

BEND(outsk, dur, pitch0, pitch1, glissfunc, funddecay, nyqdecay[, updaterate, pan])

FRET(outsk, dur, pitch, funddecay, nyqdecay[, pan])

START1(outsk, dur, pitch, funddecay, nyqdecay, distortiongain, feedbackgain, feedbackpitch, cleanlevel, distortionlevel, amp, squish [, pan, deleteflag])

BEND1(outsk, dur, pitch0, pitch1, glissfunc, funddecay, nyqdecay, distortiongain, feedbackgain, feedbackpitch, cleanlevel, distortionlevel, amp, updatefreq[, pan)]

FRET1(outsk, dur, pitch, funddecay, nyqdecay, distortiongain, feedbackgain, feedbackpitch, cleanlevel, distortionlevel, amp[, pan])

VSTART1(outsk, dur, pitch, funddecay, nyqdecay, distortiongain, feedbackgain, feedbackpitch, cleanlevel, distortionlevel, amp, squish, lowvibrato, hivibrato, vibratodepth[, randomseed, updaterate, pan, deleteflag])

VFRET1(outsk, dur, pitch, funddecay, nyqdecay, distortiongain, feedbackgain, feedbackpitch, cleanlevel, distortionlevel, amp, lowvibrato, hivibrato, vibratodepth[, updaterate, pan])

STRUM consists of a set of sub-instruments, each allowing a slightly different set of performance parameters.


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 pitch oct.pc no no  
p3 fundamental decay time seconds no no  
p4 nyquist decay time seconds no no  
p5 amplitude absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 no no  
p6 squish value 0-10 no no  
p7 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0
p8 flag for deleting pluck arrays (used by FRET, BEND, etc.) - no yes default: 0 (no delete)

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope system should be used:

Assumes makegen 1 is the amplitude envelope.


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 pitch0 oct.pc no no  
p3 pitch1 oct.pc no no  
p4 function table number for pitch glissando - no no  
p5 fundamental decay time seconds no no  
p6 nyquist decay time seconds no no  
p7 update rate samples no yes default: 100
p8 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope system should be used:

assumes makegen 1 is the amplitude envelope


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 pitch oct.pc no no  
p3 fundamental decay time seconds no no  
p4 nyquist decay time seconds no no  
p5 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope sy stem should be used:

assumes makegen 1 is the amplitude envelope


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 pitch oct.pc no no  
p3 fundamental decay time seconds no no  
p4 nyquist decay time seconds no no  
p5 distortion gain 0-100 (or more!) no no  
p6 feedback gain 0-10 no no values > 1.0 are very ‘fed-back’
p7 feedback pitch oct.pc no no  
p8 clean signal level 0-1 no no  
p9 distortion signal level 0-1 no no  
p10 amplitude absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 no no  
p11 squish value 0-10 no no  
p12 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0
p13 flag for deleting pluck arrays (used by FRET, BEND, etc.) - no yes default: 0 (no delete)

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope system should be used:

assumes makegen 1 is the amplitude envelope


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 pitch0 oct.pc no no  
p3 pitch1 oct.pc no no  
p4 function table number for pitch glissando - no no  
p5 fundamental decay time seconds no no  
p6 nyquist decay time seconds no no  
p7 distortion gain 0-100 (or more!) no no  
p8 feedback gain 0-10 no no values > 1.0 are very ‘fed-back’
p9 feedback pitch oct.pc no no  
p10 clean signal level 0-1 no no  
p11 distortion signal level 0-1 no no  
p12 amplitude absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 no no  
p13 update rate samples no yes default: 100
p14 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope system should be used:

assumes makegen 1 is the amplitude envelope


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 pitch oct.pc no no  
p3 fundamental decay time seconds no no  
p4 nyquist decay time seconds no no  
p5 distortion gain 0-100 (or more!) no no  
p6 feedback gain 0-10 no no values > 1.0 are very ‘fed-back’
p7 feedback pitch oct.pc no no  
p8 clean signal level 0-1 no no  
p9 distortion signal level 0-1 no no  
p10 amplitude absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 no no  
p11 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope system should be used:

assumes makegen 1 is the amplitude envelope


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 pitch oct.pc no no  
p3 fundamental decay time seconds no no  
p4 nyquist decay time seconds no no  
p5 distortion gain 0-100 (or more!) no no  
p6 feedback gain 0-10 no no values > 1.0 are very ‘fed-back’
p7 feedback pitch oct.pc no no  
p8 clean signal level 0-1 no no  
p9 distortion signal level 0-1 no no  
p10 amplitude absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 no no  
p11 squish value 0-10 no no  
p12 low vibrato rate Hz no no  
p13 high vibrato rate Hz no no  
p14 vibrato depth Hz no no  
p15 random seed value - no no  
p16 update rate samples) no yes default: 100
p17 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0
p18 flag for deleting pluck arrays (used by FRET, BEND, etc.) - no yes default: 0 (no delete)

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope system should be used:

assumes makegen 1 is the amplitude envelope


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 duration seconds no no  
p2 pitch oct.pc no no  
p3 fundamental decay time seconds no no  
p4 nyquist decay time seconds no no  
p5 distortion gain 0-100 (or more!) no no  
p6 feedback gain 0-10 no no values > 1.0 are very ‘fed-back’
p7 feedback pitch oct.pc no no  
p8 clean signal level 0-1 no no  
p9 distortion signal level 0-1 no no  
p10 amplitude absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 no no  
p11 low vibrato rate Hz no no  
p12 high vibrato rate Hz no no  
p13 vibrato depth Hz no no  
p14 update rate samples) no yes default: 100
p15 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle no yes default: 0

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen control envelope system should be used:

assumes makegen 1 is the amplitude envelope

The STRUM package is a family of related instruments based on the famous “plucked string” model developed by Kevin Karplus and Alex Strong. The Karplus-Strong plucked-string algorithm is a subtractive synthesis system featuring a burst of white noise, a recirculating delay line, a lowpass filter, an allpass filter, and a snazzy recursion (see Roads, 1997).

The basic idea is that a burst of noise is pushed through a delay line, which splits its output, sending one half as output and the rest of it back into itself after going through a lowpass and allpass filter setup. The result is a burst of rich sound that gradually loses its higher harmonics as it decays (as does, interestingly enough, a plucked string).

Charles Sullivan added an additional delay with waveshaping distortion to produce a simulation of a distorted electric guitar with feedback. The START, BEND and FRET instruments do the basic Karplus-Strong synthesis, and the START1, BEND1, FRET1, VSTART1 and VFRET1 instruments include the Sullivan distortion/feedback additions.

Usage Notes

The STRUM instruments are older, reflected in the separate instruments for doing vibrato (VSTART1 and VFRET1) and pitch-bending (BEND, BEND1). This can now be done using pfield-enabled parameters. There are two newer versions of the STRUM instruments, STRUM2 (for doing the basic Karplus-Strong algorithm) and STRUMFB (with the Sullivan distortion/feedback extensions). These are probably better to use.

The START, START1 and VSTART1 instruments implement the basic synthesis algorithm. START does the plucked-string algorithm, START1 adds distortion and feedback, and VSTART1 adds randomly-varying vibrato to START1.

BEND and BEND1 follow a defined pitch-bend control envelope (created using the older makegen control envelope system) between the pitches “pitch0” and “pitch1” (p3 and p4 in both instruments). When the control envelope is at 0 then “pitch0” will be played; when the envelope reaches 1 then “pitch1” will result. The original note has to start with a START or START1 instrument – they are used to setup the initial synthesis. They may have 0 duration, however, if the desired pitch-bend should happen at the beginning of a note. If not, then the “outsk” (p0) for the BEND and BEND1 instruments should follow immediately after the originating START or START1 instrument ends. Additionally, the optional “deleteflag” argument in START/START1 (p8/p13) should be set to 0 (the default) so that the synthesis information will carry from the START instruments to the BEND instruments.

Similarly, the FRET, FRET1 and VFRET1 instruments can ‘pick up’ after a START or START1 initialization. The FRET/FRET1/VFRET1 instruments allow the various parameters to change without initializing a new note – like sliding a finger up a fretboard of a guitar, or changing the feedback pitch, or adding vibrato (VFRET1) after a note has been sustained. As with the BEND/BEND1 instruments the optional “deleteflag” argument should be set to 0.

The VSTART1 and VFRET1 impart a vibrato to the note. The upper and lower rates of the vibrato are defined using the “lowvibrato” and “hivibrato” pfields (p12/p13 in VSTART1, p11/p12 in VFRET1). The depth of the vibrato is defined by the amount of deviation in Hz from the sounding pitch of the note (p14/p13). During synthesis, the vibrato rate will vary randomly for each cycle of the vibrato between the “lowvibrato” and “hivibrato” rates. VSTART1 allows the setting of a random seed for this vibrato rate in the optional “randomseed” pfield (p15).

For the vibrato and pitch-bend instruments, the rate at which the pitch-changing will be updated is set as a number of samples in the optional “updaterate” parameter (p7 in BEND, p13 in BEND1 and p16 in VSTART1). This rate is independent of the reset rate used for pfield updates. The default is to update every 100 samples.

Specifying duration involves 3 of the parameters: “dur” (p1), “funddecay” (p3 or p4; decay rate of the fundamental) and “nyqdecay” (p4 or p5; decay rate of partials at the Nyquist frequency). These can be explained most simply by thinking about a plucked string’s behavior. After you pluck it, the sound decays. The higher partials decay, first, and on downward, until, finally, the fundamental frequency decays to 0. You can exert some influence over how this happens with the “nyqdecay” and “funddecay” parameters. These are specified in seconds. (Remember that nyquist is the highest possible frequency for a given sampling rate, in our case 22050 Hz.) Thus “nyqdecay” attempts to control the decay rate of the highest, fastest-decaying partials of the sound. “funddecay”, then, controls the decay rate of the lowest, slowest-decaying partial. Now, here’s the tricky part: if you want a given pluck to ring out for its full decay-time, you just make sure that funddecay and duration are equal. If you want to “cut-short” the decay-time of a pluck, then you can make duration shorter than the funddecay. Essentially, the ratio of the “funddecay” and “nyqdecay” parameters effect the brightness of the plucked note.

If you use the distortion/feedback instruments, and the “feedbackgain” parameter is high enough (usually this means > 0.01) then the duration will sustain for as long as the duration of the note no matter what the setting of “funddecay”. Feedback! Sustain! Rock and Roll!

The “squish” parameter tells how “squishy” is the item being used to pluck the string. Values are integers ranging from 0 to 10 The lower the value, the harder the plucking object (0 is like plucking with a steel pick). The higher, the more “fleshy” (fat fingers!).

The “feedbackpitch” parameter in distortion instruments sets up a delay corresponding to the desired pitch for the feedback sound. This does not mean that you will get this pitch as a result. Instead, the feedback will generally align with some harmonic of this pitch. However, not even that is guaranteed. This is a very non-linear parameter. Altering this pitch as a note evolves (using FRET1 or VFRET1) can produce interesting changes in the output, kind of like Jimi Hendrix leaning into and away from his amplifier (essentially he was altering the length (pitch) of the feedback “delay line” between the amp and his guitar).

“feedbackgain” is a very sensitive parameter. You can set this to virtually any value you want, but high values don’t necessarily produce much change. Often very low values (< 0.01) are necessary for subtle feedback sounds.

Simularly, “distortiongain” can be set arbitrarily (we can go waaaaay ‘beyond 11’), but at some point it won’t make much difference.

The “cleanlevel” and “distortionlevel” can be set to mix between the ‘straight’ Karplus-Strong sound and the distorted sound, if desired.

The “deleteflag” was discussed earlier for the FRET and BEND instruments. Generally you can safely let this default to 0. However, the STRUM instruments do allocate memory for some of the delay lines they use. If you generate huge numbers of notes from an interactive application you can cause a serious memory drain on the poor computer. Setting this optional p-field to “1” will free this memory after every note, and will allow you to create billions and billions of notes. A setting of “1” will disable any future FRET/FRET1BEND/BEND1s on that particular note, though… because the memory is freed, the FRETs or BENDs will not have any sound to work with.

All of these instruments can produce mono or stereo output.

Sample Scores

very basic:

   rtsetparams(44100, 1)

   START1(0, 7, 6.08, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 7.00, 0, 1, 10000, 2)
   START1(8, 7, 6.08, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 7.01, 0, 1, 10000, 2)
   START1(16, 7, 6.08, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 6.01, 0, 1, 10000, 2)

slightly more advanced:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)


   makegen(1, 24, 1000, 0,1, 1,1) // amplitude envelope
   pitches = {7.00, 7.02, 7.05, 7.07, 7.10, 8.00, 8.07}
    lpitches = len(pitches)
   for (st = 0; st < 15; st = st + 0.1) {
      pindex = trand(0, lpitches)
      pitch = pitches[pindex]
      START(st, 1.0, pitch, 1.0, 0.1, 10000.0, 1, random())

another one:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)


   makegen(1, 24, 1000, 0,1,1,1) // amplitude envelope
   pitches = {7.00, 7.02, 7.05, 7.07, 7.10, 8.00, 8.07}
    lpitches = len(pitches)
   for (st = 0; st < 15; st = st + 0.2) {
      pindex = trand(0, lpitches)
      pitch = pitches[pindex]
      stereo = random()
      START(st, 0.05, pitch, 1.0, 0.1, 10000, 1,  stereo)
      FRET(st+0.05, 0.05, pitch+0.07, 1.0, 0.1, stereo)
      FRET(st+0.1, 0.05, pitch+0.04, 1.0, 0.1, stereo)
      FRET(st+0.15, 0.05, pitch+0.02, 1.0, 0.1, stereo)

fun stuff!

   rtsetparams(44100, 1)

   START1(0, 2, 6.08, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 7.00, 0, 1, 10000, 2)

   makegen(10, 24, 1000, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0) // pitch bend envelope
   BEND1(2, 4, 6.08, 7.00, 10, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 7.00, 0, 1, 10000, 100)

   FRET1(6, .2, 6.10, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 7.00, 0, 1, 10000)
   FRET1(6.2, .1, 7.00, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 7.00, 0, 1, 10000)
   FRET1(6.3, .1, 7.02, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 7.00, 0, 1, 10000)
   FRET1(6.4, .1, 7.00, 1, 1, 10, 0.05, 7.00, 0, 1, 10000)
   FRET1(6.5, 1, 6.10, 1, 1, 10, 0.5, 7.00, 0, 1, 10000)
   FRET1(7.5, 1, 6.10, 1, 1, 10, 0.5, 7.07, 0, 1, 10000)
   FRET1(8.5, 1, 6.10, 1, 1, 10, 0.5, 7.09, 0, 1, 10000)
   FRET1(9.5, 2, 6.10, 1, 1, 10, 0.5, 6.01, 0, 1, 10000)
   FRET1(11.5, 2, 6.10, 1, 1, 10, 0.5, 8.01, 0, 1, 10000)

See Also