Elliptical filter.

in RTcmix/insts/jg

quick syntax:

ellset(passband, stopband, 0, ripple, attenuation)

ellset(passband, stopband, 0, ripple, attenuation)

ellset(passbandlow, passbandhigh, stopband, ripple, attenuation)

ELL(outsk, insk, dur, AMP, ringdowndur[, inputchan, PAN])

CAPITALIZED parameters are pfield-enabled for table or dynamic control (see the maketable or makeconnection scorefile commands). Parameters after the [bracket] are optional and default to 0 unless otherwise noted.

ELL has one subcommand (ellset) used to configure the filter.


For lowpass filter:

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 passband cutoff Hz no no < stopband
p1 stopband cutoff Hz no no  
p2 0 - no no  
p3 ripple db no no try 0.2
p4 attenuation at stopband db no no try 90 for a steep filter

For hipass filter:

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 passband cutoff Hz no no > stopband
p1 stopband cutoff Hz no no  
p2 0 - no no  
p3 ripple db no no try 0.2
p4 attenuation at stopband db no no try 90 for a steep filter

For bandpass filter:

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 lower passband cutoff Hz no no  
p1 higher passband cutoff Hz no no  
p2 stopband cutoff, either higher or lower Hz no no higher seems more reliable
p3 ripple db no no try 0.2
p4 attenuation at stopband db no no try 90 for a steep filter


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 input start time seconds no no  
p2 duration seconds no no  
p3 amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of input signal yes no  
p4 ring-down duration seconds no no  
p5 input channel - no yes default: 0
p6 pan 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle yes yes default: 0

Parameters labled as Dynamic can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.

Author: Adapted by John Gibson from the original Cmix instrument. Thanks to Alistair Riddell and Ross Bencina for eliminating the f2c dependency

ELL implements cascaded IIR filters and a built-in elliptical filter design program. It can create filters with very steep slopes.

Usage Notes

The ellset subcommand is used to design the kind of filter implemented by ELL. Depending on how the first three parameters are configured, ELL will do lowpass, hipass or bandpass filtering. The filters designed by ellset can have very steep cutoff slopes.

The “ripple” parameter (p3 of the ellset subcommand) controls the amount of ringing in the filter. A small ripple designs the filter to minimize ringing, whereas a large ripple (c. 20db) causes the filter to ring very noticeably. A large ripple can sound good with a tight bandpass, producing a fairly clear pitch.

The “ringdowndur” parameter (p4 of ELL) will add an amount in seconds to the duration of the note to allow this ringing to fade.

The “attenuation” (p4 of the ellset subcommand) determines how much suppression of the signal outside the passband will occur.

The filter design program (invoked by ellset) sometimes can’t fulfill the design criteria – a particular combination of cutoff freqs, ripple and attenuation. If this happens, the program will die with a “Filter design failed!” message, instead of running the job. If you ask for a very steep cutoff and very little ripple, you may see this.

ELL can produce both mono and stereo output

Sample Scores

very basic:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)
   outskip = 0
   inskip = 0
   endin = DUR()
   dur = endin - inskip
   amp = 0.9
   ringdur = 0.1
p0 | 1600 |  -  | no | no | 
p1 | 9000 |  -  | no | no | 
p2 | 0 |  -  | no | no | 
   ripple = 0.1
   attenuation = 90.0
   ellset(p0, p1, p2, ripple, attenuation)
   ELL(outskip, inskip, dur, amp, ringdur)

another one:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)
   inchan = 0
   inskip = 0
   dur = DUR()
   // unprocessed signal
   amp = 2
   STEREO(start=0, inskip, dur, amp, pan=.5)
   // low-pass filter
   pbcut = 400
   sbcut = 800
   ripple = .1
   atten = 90
   ellset(pbcut, sbcut, 0, ripple, atten)
   amp = 8
   ringdur = .1
   ELL(start=dur+1, inskip, dur, amp, ringdur, inchan, pan=.5)
   // high-pass filter
   pbcut = 800
   sbcut = 400
   ripple = .1
   atten = 90
   ellset(pbcut, sbcut, 0, ripple, atten)
   amp = 1.6
   ringdur = .1
   ELL(start=start+dur+1, inskip, dur, amp, ringdur, inchan, pan=.5)

slightly more advanced:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)
   outskip = 0
   inskip = 0
   dur = DUR()
   ringdur = 3
   p0 = 500
   p1 = 2000
   p2 = 5000
   ripple = 45.0
   attenuation = 90.0
   amp = 0.05
   numbeats = 10
   bpm = 100
   notesperbeat = 4
   tempo(0, bpm * notesperbeat)
   numnotes = numbeats * notesperbeat
   for (i = 0; i < numnotes; i = i + 1) {
      p0 = p0 + (rand() * 20)
      p1 = p1 + (rand() * 20)
      p2 = p2 + (rand() * 20)
      ripple = ripple + (rand() * 5)
      ellset(p0, p1, p2, ripple, attenuation)
      spread = random()
      outskip = tb(i)
      ELL(outskip, inskip, dur, amp * random(), ringdur, inchan=0, spread)

fun stuff!

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)
   inchan = 0
   inskip = 0
   dur = DUR()
   ripple = 20
   atten = 90
   ringdur = .2
   env = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, .01,1, dur/2,1, dur,0)
   for (start = 0; start < 15; start = start + .12) {
      pbcut = 400 + (rand() * 200)
      sbcut = 900 + (rand() * 200)
      ellset(pbcut, sbcut, 0, ripple, atten)
      amp = .2
      pan = random()
      st = start + (random() * .01)
      ELL(st, inskip, dur, amp * env, ringdur, inchan, pan)
      pbcut = 900 + (rand() * 200)
      sbcut = 400 + (rand() * 200)
      ellset(pbcut, sbcut, 0, ripple, atten)
      amp = .1
      pan = random()
      st = start + (random() * .01)
      ELL(st, inskip, dur, amp * env, ringdur, inchan, pan)

See Also