play soundfiles
cmixplay and play (an alias) are really handy command-line soundfile playback utilities. They handle most extant uncompressed soundfile types.
Here are the options:
cmixplay [options] filename
options: -s NUM start time
-e NUM end time
-d NUM duration
-f NUM rescale factor
-c NUM channel (starting from 0)
-h view this help screen
-k disable hotkeys (see below)
-t NUM time to skip for rewind, fast-forward
(default is 4 seconds)
-r robust - larger audio buffers
-q quiet - don't print anything
--force use rescale factor even if peak
amp of float file unknown
Notes: -d ignored if you also give -e
Times can be given as seconds or 0:00.0
If the latter, prints time in same way.
Hotkeys: 'f': fast-forward, 'r': rewind,
'm': mark (print current buffer start time)
't': toggle time display
To stop playing: cntl-D or cntl-C