Dynamically schedule pfield controls.
in RTcmix/insts/bgg
PFSCHED(outsk, dur, pfield_bus, pfield[, deleteflag])
Param Field | Parameter | Units | Dynamic | Optional | Notes |
p0 | output start time | seconds | no | no | |
p1 | duration | seconds | no | no | |
p2 | pfield bus number to use | - | no | no | |
p3 | pfield variable | - | no | no | |
p4 | delete note flag | keep note active: 0, delete note: 1 | no | yes | default: 0 |
Author Brad Garton, 11/2009
PFSCHED allows you to schedule pfield control information dynamically as a note is executing.
The PFSCHED instrument takes advantage of the pfield-enabled control capabilities of RTcmix instruments to arbitrarily schedule pfield controls during execution of a note. It uses an internal set of “pfield busses” (up to 1024) for the routing of pfield information to instruments/notes. This is useful in interactive RTcmix applications such as the rtcmix~ Max/MSP object or the iRTcmix library for iOS.
The “pfield bus” (or “pfbus”) is set up using the makeconnection(“pfbus”)… scorefile command. Once a pfield variable is created using this makeconnection(), it can be used to send other pfield control data through the “pfbus” associated with the makeconnection() pfield variable.
Here’s how it works in practice: Suppose you want to start a WAVETABLE note with an arbitrary duration, but at some point in the future you want to fade that note down (and possibly end it).
First of all, create a “pfbus” (and associated pfield variable) using makeconnection(“pfbus”)…:
pfield_var = makeconnection("pfbus", 1, 1.0)
This will create a pfield named “pfield_var” that will receive information through “pfbus” #1 with an initial value of 1.0.
Next start the WAVETABLE note with an arbitrarily long duration, and the pfield variable “pfield_var” set to control the amplitude of the note:
WAVETABLE(0, 7.0, 20000 * pfield_var, 8.00)
Note that because “pfield_var” has an initial value of 1.0 that the WAVETABLE will be producing sound at full volume.
Then create an envelope that will fade down and assign it to a different pfield variable:
delayed_envelope = maketable("line", 1000, 0,1.0, 1,0.0)
This uses the maketable(“line”,…) scorefile command to fill a table with values going from 1.0 to 0.0. Note that this envelope can be created before starting the WAVETABLE note, or at any point while the note is executing.
This control envelope – using the pfield variable it assigned – can now be scheduled through the “pfbus” using PFSCHED:
PFSCHED(2.5, 2.1, 1, delayed_envelope)
This will cause the “delayed_envelope” fade-out table to be sent to the executing WAVETABLE note at 2.5 seconds (p0, “outsk”) from the time the PFSCHED instrument command was received by RTcmix. The “delayed_envelope” will last for a duration of 2.1 (p1, “dur”) seconds. It is sent to the WAVETABLE note through “pfbus” # 1 (p2, “pfield_bus”). This “pfbus” is connected to the WAVETABLE through the pfield variable “pfield_var”, setup earlier with the makeconnection(“pfbus”)… scorefile command.
If the optional paramater p4 (“deleteflag”) had been set to 1, then the WAVETABLE note would stop executing and be deleted when the “delayed_envelope” was finished (the 2.1 second duration). If p4 had not been set to 1, then the WAVETABLE would continue executing (although with 0.0 amplitude in our example here) and could receive additional PFSCHED control information in the future.
NOTE: To check if a particular instrument/note is still active, the note_exists scorefile command.
Any pfield may be scheduled using PFSCHED, including pfield variables associated with active pfield generators such as makeLFO and makerandom
One feature of the maketable(“line”,…) scorefile command that is very useful in conjunction with PFSCHED is the use of the “curval” token with the “dynamic” optional specifier:
fadenv = maketable("line", "dynamic", 1000, 0,"curval", 1,0.0)
This will build the “line” maketable using the current value of a pfield associated with a “pfbus”. The table doesn’t actually get created until the PFSCHED instrument schedules the table for use. This allows it to check the current value of the pfield associated with a “pfbus” and use it to build the table. In other words, you can begin a fade (like the above example) using whatever value is set for an instrument/note when the pfield control is scheduled using PFSCHED
very basic:
rtsetparams(44100, 1)
value = makeconnection("pfbus", 1, 0.0)
WAVETABLE(0, 77.0, 20000*value, 8.00)
delayed_envelope = maketable("line", 100, 0,0.0, 1,1.0)
PFSCHED(2.5, 2.1, 1, delayed_envelope)
slightly more advanced:
rtsetparams(44100, 1)
fadeup_envelope = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0.0, 1,1.0)
controlpfield = makeconnection("pfbus", 1, 0.0)
PFSCHED(4.5, 0.01, 1, fadeup_envelope)
WAVETABLE(0, 777.0, 20000*controlpfield, 8.00)
fadedown_envelope = maketable("line", "dynamic", 1000, 0,"curval", 1,0.0)
//note that deleteflag is set; the note will be deleted when fadedown_envelope finishes
PFSCHED(6.2, 1.5, 1, fadedown_envelope, 1)
fun stuff!
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
delayed_envelope = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0.0, 1,1.0)
ampvalue1 = makeconnection("pfbus", 1, 0.0)
ampvalue2 = makeconnection("pfbus", 2, 1.0)
PFSCHED(0.5, 3.5, 1, delayed_envelope)
delayed_LFO = makeLFO("sine", 5.0, 0, 0.03)
pitchvalue = makeconnection("pfbus", 3, 0.0)
PFSCHED(4.0, 3.5, 3, delayed_LFO)
wave = maketable("wave", 1000, "saw9")
WAVETABLE(0, 777.0, 20000*ampvalue1*ampvalue2, 8.00+pitchvalue, 0.5, wave)
fade_env = maketable("line", 1000, 0,1.0, 1,0.0)
PFSCHED(5.2, 1.4, 2, fade_env, 1)