Wavetable/additive synthesis instrument.
in RTcmix/insts/std
MULTIWAVE(outsk, dur, AMP, WAVETABLE, FREQ1, AMP1, phase1, PAN1, … FREQN, AMPN, phaseN, PANN)
CAPITALIZED parameters are pfield-enabled for table or dynamic control (see the maketable or makeconnection scorefile commands). Parameters after the [bracket] are optional and default to 0 unless otherwise noted.
Param Field | Parameter | Units | Dynamic | Optional | Notes |
p0 | output start time | seconds | no | no | |
p1 | duration | seconds | no | no | |
p2 | overall amplitude | absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768 | yes | no | |
p3 | wavetable | reference to a pfield table-handle | no | no | |
p4 | oscillator 1 freq | Hz | yes | no | |
p5 | oscillator 1 amp | relative multiplier of overall amplitude (p2) | yes | no | |
p6 | oscillator 1 initial phase | 0-360 degrees, not updateable | no | no | |
p7 | oscillator 1 pan | 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle | yes | no |
The remaining N pfields are quadruplets describing additional oscillators. The limit on the number of quadruplets is set by the maximum number of passable arguments (1024).
Param Field | Parameter | Units | Dynamic | Optional | Notes |
pN-3 | oscillator N/4 freq | Hz | yes | yes | must be part of quadruplet |
pN-2 | oscillator N/4 amp | relative multiplier of overall amplitude (p2) | yes | yes | must be part of quadruplet |
pN-1 | oscillator N/4 initial phase | 0-360 degrees, not updateable | no | yes | must be part of quadruplet |
pN | oscillator N/4 pan | 0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle | yes | yes | must be part of quadruplet |
Parameters labled as Dynamic can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.
Author: John Gibson, 3/9/05
MULTIWAVE can be used to create a wide range of sounds. Using PField controls, each individual part can be controlled with a fair degree of independence, equivalent to an efficient version of many WAVETABLE notes running simultaneously.
This is a fairly straightforward instrument. Because all the fundamental parameters for each oscillator used may be specified (amp envelope, phase, pan, frequency (enveloped!)), true additive synthesis can be achieved using MULTIWAVE. For basic wavetable synthesis, use WAVETABLE.
For rapidly-varying control envelopes, you may want to set the reset rate higher than the default 1000 times/second. Use the reset scorefile command to do this.
MULTIWAVE can produce mono or stereo output.
very basic:
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
ampenv = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 2,0)
wave = maketable("wave", 1000, 1)
MULTIWAVE(0, 4.3, ampenv*35000, wave,
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random(),
irand(100, 700), 1, 0, random())
slightly more advanced:
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
dur = 60
amp = 15000
wave = maketable("wave", 2000, 1)
line = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 9,1, 10,0)
rfreq = 1
freq1 = makerandom("linear", rfreq, min=200, max=1000, seed=1)
freq1 = makefilter(freq1, "smooth", 90)
lag = 60
amp1 = makeconnection("mouse", "Y", 0, 1, 0, lag, "amp") | no | no |
pan1 = makeconnection("mouse", "X", 1, 0, .5, lag, "pan")
MULTIWAVE(0, dur, amp * line, wave,
freq1, amp1, phase1=0, pan1,
freq1 * 1.05, amp1, phase1, pan1 * .7)
fun stuff!
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
ampenv = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 4,1, 5,0)
wave = maketable("wave", 1000, 1)
fadeup = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1)
fadedown = maketable("line", 1000, 0,1, 1,0)
outsk = 0
dur = 0.21
for (i = 0; i < 35; i += 1) {
MULTIWAVE(outsk, dur, ampenv*60000, wave,
irand(100, 1400), fadedown, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadedown, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadedown, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadedown, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadedown, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadedown, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadedown, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadeup, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadeup, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadeup, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadeup, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadeup, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadeup, 0, random(),
irand(100, 1400), fadeup, 0, random())
outsk = outsk + dur
more fun stuff!
rtsetparams(44100, 2, 128)
dur = 60
masteramp = 20000
minfreq = 50
maxfreq = 1500
glide = 50
// quantize freqs to this number (in Hz); set to zero for no quantum
//quantum = 100
quantum = 0
wave = maketable("wave", 5000, 1)
line = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 9,1, 10,0)
numwaves = 10
freq = {}
pan = {}
for (i = 0; i < numwaves; i += 1) {
lfofreq = 0.007 + (i * 1.4)
rfreq = makeLFO("sine", lfofreq, min = 0.2 + (i * 0.03), min * 3.5)
min = minfreq + (i * 10)
max = maxfreq - (i * 70)
rand = makerandom("linear", rfreq, min, max, seed = i + 1)
freq[i] = makefilter(rand, "smooth", glide)
if (quantum)
freq[i] = makefilter(freq[i], "quantize", quantum)
min = mod(i, 2)
if (min == 0)
max = 1
max = 0
pan[i] = makeLFO("sine", 0.007 + (i * 0.026), min, max)
amp = 1
phase = 0
MULTIWAVE(0, dur, masteramp * line, wave,
freq[0], amp, phase, pan[0],
freq[1], amp, phase, pan[1],
freq[2], amp, phase, pan[2],
freq[3], amp, phase, pan[3],
freq[4], amp, phase, pan[4],
freq[5], amp, phase, pan[5],
freq[6], amp, phase, pan[6],
freq[7], amp, phase, pan[7],
freq[8], amp, phase, pan[8],
freq[9], amp, phase, pan[9])
even more fun stuff!
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
dur = 60
masteramp = 30000
// in linear octaves
minpitch = 6.00
maxpitch = 10.00
glide = 50
wave = maketable("wave", 5000, 1, 0, .02)
line = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 8,1, 10,0)
pitchtable = maketable("literal", "nonorm", 0,
numwaves = 10
freq = {}
amp = {}
pan = {}
for (i = 0; i < numwaves; i += 1) {
lfofreq = 0.007 + (i * 1.4)
rfreq = makeLFO("sine", lfofreq, min = 0.2 + (i * 0.03), min * 3.5)
min = minpitch + (i * octpch(0.03))
max = maxpitch - (i * octpch(0.02))
freq[i] = makerandom("low", rfreq, min, max, seed = i + 2)
freq[i] = makefilter(freq[i], "constrain", pitchtable, 0.95)
freq[i] = makefilter(freq[i], "smooth", glide)
freq[i] = makeconverter(freq[i], "cpsoct")
min = i % 2
if (min == 0)
max = 1
max = 0
amp[i] = makeLFO("sine", 0.06 + (i * 0.04), 0.2, 1)
pan[i] = makeLFO("sine", 0.007 + (i * 0.026), min, max)
phase = 0
MULTIWAVE(0, dur, masteramp * line, wave,
freq[0], amp[0], phase, pan[0],
freq[1], amp[1], phase, pan[1],
freq[2], amp[2], phase, pan[2],
freq[3], amp[3], phase, pan[3],
freq[4], amp[4], phase, pan[4],
freq[5], amp[5], phase, pan[5],
freq[6], amp[6], phase, pan[6],
freq[7], amp[7], phase, pan[7],
freq[8], amp[8], phase, pan[8],
freq[9], amp[9], phase, pan[9])
makeconverter, makefilter, makeLFO, makerandom, maketable, cpspch, AMINST, FMINST, HALFWAVE, VWAVE, SYNC, WAVESHAPE, WAVETABLE, WAVY, WIGGLE