Moving source room-simulation.

in RTcmix/insts/std/MMOVE

quick syntax:

MMOVE(outskip, inskip, dur, AMP, dist_between_mikes[, inputchan])

RVB(outsk, insk, dur, AMP)

space(front, right, -back, -left, ceiling, absorb, rvbtime)

path(time0, sound_dist0, sound_angle0, … timeN, sound_distN, sound_angleN)

cpath(time0, sound_x-coord0, sound_y-coord0, … timeN, sound_x-coordN, sound_y-coordN)

param(function1, function2)

cparam(function1, function2)


mikes(mike_angle, pattern)


set_attenuation_params(min_dist, max_dist, dist_exponent)

matrix(amp, matrixval1, matrixval2, … matrixval144)

CAPITALIZED parameters are pfield-enabled for table or dynamic control (see the maketable or makeconnection scorefile commands). Parameters after the [bracket] are optional and default to 0 unless otherwise noted.

MMOVE employs several subcommands to set the room-simulation characteristics, the sound-source trajectory and one sub-instrument (RVB) to operate.

NOTE: This is an old RTcmix instrument. If you wish to dynamically control the location of a sound source, use the newer DMOVE instrument which allows the sound trajectory to be controlled using pfield-enabled parameters.


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 input start time seconds no no  
p2 duration (or endtime if negative) seconds no no  
p3 amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of input signal yes no  
p4 distance between ‘mics’ (stereo receivers) in the room feet no no  
p5 input channel - no yes default: 0

p3 (amplitude) can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 output start time seconds no no  
p1 input start time seconds no no  
p2 duration (or endtime if negative) seconds no no  
p3 amplitude multiplier relative multiplier of input signal yes no  

NOTE: this associated instrument is required for MMOVE to function


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 distance to front wall of room feet no no  
p1 distance to right-hand wall of room feet no no  
p2 distance to back wall of room feet no no specified as negative
p3 distance to left-hand wall of room feet no no specified as negative
p4 distance to ceiling of room feet no no  
p5 wall absorption factor 0-10 no no 0 == more ‘dead’, 10 == more ‘live’
p6 reverberation time seconds no no 0 - ~5 work best

NOTE: this subcommand is required for MMOVE to function


The pfields for path are triples:

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 time1 seconds no no point in time at which sound should be at this location
p1 distance1 feet no no  
p2 angle1 degrees no no  
p3 time2 seconds no no point in time at which sound should be at this location
p4 distance2 feet no no  
p5 angle2 degrees no no  
pN-2 timeN/3 seconds no yes point in time at which sound should be at this location
pN-1 distanceN/3 feet no yes  
pN angleN/3 degrees no yes  

Up to 100 triples may be specified.


The pfields for cpath are triples:

Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 time1 seconds no no point in time at which sound should be at this location
p1 xcoord1 feet no no  
p2 ycoord1 degrees no no  
p3 time2 seconds no no point in time at which sound should be at this location
p4 xcoord2 feet no no  
p5 ycoord2 degrees no no  
pN-2 timeN/3 seconds no yes point in time at which sound should be at this location
pN-1 xcoordN/3 feet no yes  
pN ycoordN/3 degrees no yes  

Up to 100 triples may be specified.

NOTE: one of the subcommands (path, cpath, param, cparam) is required for MMOVE to function


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 function table reference for polar coordinate distance to sound source feet no no value
p1 function table reference for polar coordinate angle to sound source degrees no no value

The two function tables are loaded with values representing the polar coordinates of the sound source location (p0 table == distance to sound [feet] and p1 table == angle to sound [degrees]). These values will be spread over the duration of the note

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen function table system should be used to create the tables.

NOTE: one of the subcommands (path, cpath, param, cparam) is required for MMOVE to function


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 function table reference for x-coordinate location of sound source feet no no  
p1 function table reference for y-coordinate location of sound source feet no no  

The two function tables are loaded with values representing the x-coordinate location of the sound source (feet) and the y-coordinate location of the sound source (feet). The listener is assumed to be centered at coordinate [0,0]. These values will be spread over the duration of the note

Because this instrument has not been updated for pfield control, the older makegen function table system should be used to create the tables.

NOTE: one of the subcommands (path, cpath, param, cparam) is required for MMOVE to function


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 time interval seconds) no no for trajectory updates (typically < 0.01

NOTE: this subcommand is optional for MMOVE to function. Default is RTBUFSAMPS/SR (both set in rtsetparams).


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 microphone angle degrees, 0 degrees is straight in front no no  
p1 microphone pattern 0-1 no no 0 == omnidirectional, 1 == highly directional

NOTE: this subcommand is optional for MMOVE to function (the default is “mikes_off”)


No pfields. This turns off the microphone angle and pattern settings to allow binaural simulation.

NOTE: this subcommand is optional for MMOVE to function


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 minimum distance feet no no default: 0
p1 maximum distance feet no no default: infinite
p2 distance attentuation exponent - no no default: 2

NOTE: this subcommand is optional for MMOVE to function


Param Field Parameter Units Dynamic Optional Notes
p0 total matrix gain relative multiplier of input signal no no  
p1-p145 12 x 12 matrix amp/feedback coefficients - no yes defaults to internal matrix

NOTE: this subcommand is optional for MMOVE to function

MMOVE is an updated version of the original MOVE room-simulation program. It uses the same methodology as the MPLACE instrument to model the acoustics of a room. The difference is that MMOVE allows you to specify a trajectory for the sound source instead of a single, fixed location for the duration of processing.

NOTE: This is an older RTcmix instrument, the newer DMOVE instrument allows the sound trajectory to be controlled using pfield-enabled parameters.

Usage Notes

Most of the subcommands for MMOVE are identical to the equivalent subcommands in MPLACE. See the MPLACE Usage Notes for more information.

The new subcommands in MMOVE (path, cpath, param, cparam) relate to specifying the sound source trajectory over the duration of processing. The parameters should be self-explanatory; you set the coordinate locations for the sound source (in polar or cartesian coordinates) at relative times and the instrument will calculate the movement trajectory to intersect these points. For higher rates of speed the delay-line interpolation used in MMOVE will effectively simulate a Doppler shift in all the calculated sound paths. Be careful, it is easy to inadvertently create high rates of speed for the sound source!

The threshold rate will determine how often the various delay lengths and attentuation factors are calculated, based on where the sound source location has moved along the trajectory. This rate is independent of the reset rate used for pfield updates.

The RVB subinstrument needs to be configured with the appropriate bus_config setup. MPLACE/RVB requires stereo output.

Sample Scores

basic use:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2, 1024)

   bus_config("MMOVE", "in 0", "aux 0-1 out")
   bus_config("RVB", "aux 0-1 in", "out 0-1")

   mikes(45, 0.5)
   dist_front = 100
   dist_right = 130
   dist_rear = -145
   dist_left = -178
   height = 100
   rvbtime = 2
   abs_fac = 4
   space(dist_front, dist_right, dist_rear, dist_left, height, abs_fac, rvbtime)
   /* 5 feet is min distance,  100 feet max,  scale by 1/distance**1.5 */
   set_attenuation_params(5.0, 100.0, 1.5);
   insk = 0
   outsk = 0
   dur = 15;
   pre_amp = 25
   dist_mikes = 2.2     /* for normal */
   //dist_mikes = 0.67  /* for binaural */
   inchan = 0
   // slow,  then zoom in and out again
   path(0,50,-90, 10,50,0, 11,10,20, 12,80,30, 15,30,90)
   // MMOVE does not have rvb level arg that MOVE had.  Handled in RVB call now
   MMOVE(outsk, insk, dur, pre_amp, dist_mikes, inchan)
   // Reverb gain increases over time
   handle rvblevel
   rvblevel = maketable("line", 1024, 0, 0.01, 1, 1.0);
   RVB(0, 0, dur+rvbtime+0.5, rvblevel)

See Also