Connect a set of instruments together so they execute as one.
CHAIN(outsk, dur, inst_count, handle1, …, handleN)
Param Field | Parameter | Units | Dynamic | Optional | Notes |
p0 | output start time | seconds | no | no | |
p1 | duration | -endtime | no | no | |
p2 | number of instruments handles to follow | - | no | no | |
p3-n | handles for instruments to be chained | reference to an instrument handle | no | no |
Parameters labled as Dynamic can receive dynamic updates from a table or real-time control source.
Author: Doug Scott, 12/2012
CHAIN runs a series of instruments as a group, chaining the output of each to the input of the next. All the instruments are scheduled together. Up to 1000 instruments can be chained.
To add an instruments to CHAIN, you create the instruments you want using the makeinstrument() utility. Use the handle that is returned as the argument for that instrument. CHAIN‘d instruments do not use mix buses between them, but you still need to use bus_config() to configure each instrument’s input and output channel counts. To do this, there is a special bus type called “chain”, which configures the instrument without invoking any of the in, out, or aux bus logic. So, if you wished to place WAVETABLE and DELAY in a CHAIN, you could configure each instrument like so:
// run WAVETABLE in monaural mode
bus_config("WAVETABLE", "chain 0 out");
// run DELAY 1-channel in, 2-channel out
bus_config("DELAY", "chain 0 in", "chain 1-2 out");
// CHAIN's output MUST match output of last inst in chain (2-chan)
bus_config("CHAIN", "out 0-1");
If the first instrument in the chain reads from disk, its input bus is configured just the way it would be in an unchained system:
// read from file input, 2-channel out
bus_config("TRANS", "in 0", "chain 0-1 out");
// run DELAY 2-channel in, 2-channel out
bus_config("DELAY", "chain 0-1 in", "chain 2-3 out");
bus_config("CHAIN", "out 0-1");
In the same fashion as with aux busses, the outskip values for the CHAIN‘d instruments should all be 0. The CHAIN instrument alone determines the output skip. The duration of the instruments can be arbitrary, but will be truncated to the duration set in CHAIN. If CHAIN’s duration is longer than its instruments, the extra time will be filled with zeros.
Note that any instrument which uses dynamic pfields, that will be set up during the makeinstrument calls, just like it would if the instruments were being invoked via their normal function calls.
very basic:
rtsetparams(44100, 2)
inchan = 0
inskip = 0
dur = DUR() + 2
ripple = 40
atten = 90
ringdur = 1.5;
bus_config("TRANS3", "in 0", "chain 0 out"); // 1 in, 1 out
bus_config("ELL", "chain 0 in", "chain 1 out"); // 1 in, 1 out
bus_config("STEREO", "chain 1 in", "chain 2-3 out"); // 1 in, 2 out
bus_config("CHAIN", "out 0-1"); // 2 out (must match last instrument in the chain)
env = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, .004,1, dur/2,1, dur,0)
start = 0;
cfbase = 2000;
cfswing = cfbase * .9;
while (start < 5) {
// set up elliptical filter
pbcut = cfbase + irand(-cfswing, cfswing);
sbcut = pbcut + irand(100, 300);
ellset(pbcut, sbcut, 0, ripple, atten)
amp = irand(0.5, 0.9);
pan = random()
transp = 1.1 + irand(-.09, .09);
tdur = translen(dur, transp);
trans = makeinstrument("TRANS3", 0, inskip, tdur, 1, transp);
dur2 = tdur * 2; // to allow filter to ring
ell = makeinstrument("ELL", 0, 0, dur2, amp * env, ringdur);
stereo = makeinstrument("STEREO", 0, 0, dur2, 1, pan);
CHAIN(start, dur2, 3, trans, ell, stereo);
start = start + (irand(0.03, 0.1));
cfswing = cfswing * 0.99;