
INSTRUMENT design – sample output-writing function

The rtbaddout() function is used in RTcmix instrument design to write an array of generated samples to the output buffer for audition or soundfile-writing. It will write a block of samples corresponding to the length argument of the function.

Typically rtbaddout is used inside the INSTRUMENT::run() member function, but after in the sample-computing loop (i.e. an array of samples needs to be computed). rtbaddout assumes that rtsetoutput() was called in the INSTRUMENT::init() member function.

It replaces the older baddout function used in disk-only cmix.


int rtbaddout(float sample_array[], int length)

*sample\_array* is the name of a float array used to store an array of samples. This array needs to be set up properly for mono or stereo (interleaved) output; i.e. if it is a 2-channel array, the left and right channels should be interleaved (ch0, ch1, ch0, ch1, …) through the entire array.

For example, if the output were stereo, sample_array for 1024 sample would be declared like this:

where sample_array[0] would contain the first sample for the left output channel, and sample_array[1] would contain the first right output channel sample, sample_array[2] would contain the second left output sample, sample_array[3] would hold the second right output sample, etc.

*length* is the total number of samples in the array.

The rtbaddout() function returns the number of samples written. See also the rtaddout function.


See Also